December 21, 2009

Interviews with Drs. Roger Jahnke and Jerry Alan Johnson

Over six months ago, I invited Dr. Roger Jahnke to appear as a guest on my Radio talk show The Secrets of Qigong Masters, which got delayed for various reasons until now but finally manifested last night. This is truly the longest-awaited interview with one of the most respected Qigong experts in this country, who began his practice of Tai Chi and Qigong in 1967. He has been to China 8 times to research Qi cultivation and vitality enhancement in hospitals, universities, temples and sacred mountain sites. He has lectured internationally and is the author of two bestselling books: The Healer Within and The Healing Promise of Qi.

If you are seriously involved in the field of Qigong, you must have also heard of Jerry Alan Johnson, who is one of the most advanced Qigong experts in the US. His expertise allowed him to found the International Institutes of Medical Qigong and publish numerous great books on the subjects of Qigong Therapy, Energy Healing and Taoist Magic. Please enjoy his interview on the Radio talk show The Secrets of Qigong Masters that you can listening to or download at

Speak to you soon,

Lama Tantrapa

April 16, 2009

What would you ask Qigong master?

As I am interviewing the top Qigong experts in North America for my Radio talk show The Secrets of Qigong Masters, I would love to be able to ask them the questions that you would ask them if you had a chance to. The caliber of the recent guests on the show is very high: Michael Winn, Jim MacRitchie, Bill Douglas, Bernard Shannon, Ted Cibik, and other fine Qigong aficionados. In the near future, we are planning on airing interviews with Bruce Frantzis, Yang Jwing-Ming, Effie Chow, Sam Masich, Suzanne Freidman, Lee Holden, etc.

Please submit your most burning questions on the Energy Arts, and I promise to ask the most frequent and interesting questions during the upcoming episodes of my show, which you can listen to at as well as download the archived episodes on your iPod or any other mp3 player for future enjoyment.

Speak to you soon,

Lama Tantrapa

March 21, 2009

Interview with Ken Cohen

One of the recent guests of my show emailed me when he heard that I would interview Ken Cohen and joked that he'd have to snort coke when listening to that episode... well, it turned out to be one of the most interesting episodes of my show ever. Ken, whom I had met only once during my recent trip to Boulder, Colorado, is a very knowledgeable and thorough Qigong expert. His book The Way of Qigong is certainly one of the bestsellers on the subject of the energy arts, as is his home study course. If I ever met an American who is a bona-fide Qigong master, he is definitely the one.

The interview went quite smoothly until some callers started trying to call in with questions and appeared to have a hard time connecting to the station. After taking a couple of interesting questions from two listeners inquiring about the best ways to engage in daily Qigong practices and the seeming lack of mentioning the energy of love in the traditional Qigong literature, another Qigong master called in... Mark Johnson, who was a guest on my show just a month ago, graciously contributed his energy to the discussion. Although I got an impression that the two masters had never met face to face, they had a most lively and respectful exchange of ideas. Of course, you will have to listen to the recording of this episode if you want to know the details. I just wanted to say here that it is very exciting for me to be able to facilitate such a wonderful connection between different Qigong masters. I hope that more of the guests of my show will continue calling in on mondays to add more dimensions to our future episodes.

Please make sure to listen to the upcoming interviews with Shoshanna Katzman on Monday, March 23, Jim MacReatchie on March 30, and with Michael Winn on April 6, 2009. All three of them served as Presidents of the National Qigong Association at various times. Mickael actually served twice in that capacity and Jim was the Founding President of the NQA,which was formed mainly due to his arduous efforts. Shoshanna is still very actively involved in the life of the Association as the chair of its Advisory Counsil. All of them are published authors, and I will look into introucing their books to our Qigong book club at some point soon.

Please feel free to email me with any questions or comments at Speak to you soon.

May 15, 2008

The Secret to Qigong Mastery - Being Natural

Being natural requires paying attention to the inner nature of all things rather than their forms. When most people think of Qigong, they usually think of “doing forms” – sets of choreographed movements practiced repetitively. I do not believe that the sages of antiquity, who originated Qigong thousands of years ago, had to study any “forms.” Those masters created their systems of self-realization not by practicing some forms, but by discovering their own, authentic ways to experience their true nature. Since they were the original founders, they had no human teachers to emulate. They had to learn from Mother Nature as well as their inner nature.

The founders of the oldest systems of self-realization had to rely on the knowledge gathered from their own personal experiences and some anecdotal stories about the miraculous powers of the ancient Shamans. They had to find empirically their own unique methods of being in the flow of Qi and experimenting with it. Such a genuine approach reared great Qigong masters, whose mastery was based on personal observation and exploration, rather than a routine repetition of forms. Playing with each other and with different animals was the testing ground for their skills and powers.

Alas, the tendency of the human mind to be focused on appearances instead of the inner essence eventually reduced many styles of Qigong, as well as Yoga, Kung Fu, Tai Chi, etc., to merely “doing forms.” You would be hard pressed to find anyone who managed to achieve anything profound by emulating their teachers’ external appearances. In order to experience the authentic mastery of being in the flow, you will need to start by shifting attention from forms to the true essence of everything, starting with your own inner nature, which is pure energy.

Comparing yourself to others is such an insidious tendency that many artists never transcend the stage of mimicking their role models. Yet the entire idea of mastery implies being natural in your art and authentic in your artistic expression. Qi Dao teaches you to develop an attitude of authenticity from the very beginning while allowing yourself to be natural.

Since change is the most constant thing in the universe, the flow is always different from one person to another and from one moment to another. This means that to copy the master’s movements or other actions is to grasp the form of the master’s experience rather than the essence. Such imitation would not enable anyone to be in the flow, because being in the flow implies being in one’s own flow, not in someone else’s flow. Through the practice of Qi Dao you will learn to be truly authentic by perceiving the flow of life force within you and throughout the world around you. You will learn to surrender to the flow and allow it to guide you in whatever way is appropriate. It will allow you to manifest your dreams effortlessly and gracefully.

Natural Meditation
About the Author

Lama Somananda Tantrapa is the holder of the lineage of Qi Dao - Tibetan Shamanic Qigong - that has been fostered in his clan for 27 generations. Affectionately addressed by his students as Rinpoche, Lama Tantrapa has over 30 years of experience in Qi Dao and other internal martial arts. He was primarily trained by his Grandfather who was the last Grandmaster of Qi Dao. As a reincarnate Bon Lama, he carries a title of a Tulku and was ordained as a Buddhist monk in three different traditions: Tibetan Nyingma, Thai Theravada and Japanese Nipponzan Myohoji.

Before immigrating to America, he actively participated in peace marches and conferences in the former Soviet Union supporting the peace work of his spiritual mentor and friend Junsei Terasawa who aspired to build a Peace Pagoda in the center of Moscow, Russia. His initiatives dedicated to peace work and spiritual freedom were subjected to persecution in his homeland thus he received religious asylum in the United States in 1997.

Rinpoche is an author of a book on Qi Dao and a companion DVD, as well as Qi Dao Home Study Course. Being an avid speaker and presenter, he appeared on many radio and TV programs in the US, Guam and abroad. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of the US National Qigong Association. Visit Academy of Qi Dao online at

April 18, 2008

The Art of Being in the Flow

Welcome to my world of Qi Dao, the ancient energy art of Tibetan Shamanic Qigong. My spiritual tradition, named Qi Dao (or Ch’i Tao if you like this spelling), which literally means “the path of energy,” or “the flow of life force,” is a style of Qigong (also spelled Ch’i Kung) rooted in the Tibetan Shamanic tradition of self-realization called Bön. Following many generations of Tibetan lamas and Shamans since time immemorial, I explore this magical world where the stuff of myths and legends is quite real. Along my spiritual journey, the miracles of natural healing and amazing feats of power have been common place. I came to believe that everyone practicing this “Adventure Yoga” can receive revelations directly from spirit and learn to follow the inner guidance to enjoy being in the flow of the dream called life.

Have you ever thought that your life journey was meant to be a grand adventure, rather than a misadventure? Perhaps, you are one of those lucky individuals who have experienced “being in the flow” or, as some athletes call it, “in the zone.” If you have experienced it, you will probably never forget the profound sense of harmony associated with being in the flow. And if you have never experienced it, at least, you may be able to imagine yourself being empowered, centered and present. Your imagination may be as potent as your memory in preparing you for this exciting adventure in self-realization and learning to live a dream life.

Imagine a world where men and women can travel through life in harmony with each other and the world around them; where every human being can be in touch with his or her inner nature. Everyone there feels confident and free of any artificial limitations that religions, society, or family upbringing tend to impose on people. In such a dream world, everyone has an opportunity to live a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle, enjoying all the abundance life has to offer. Picture yourself in a world where every child and adult can feel empowered to openly experience and explore their greatest potentials, allowing them to blossom fully. In this dream world, the powers that used to be considered paranormal or supernatural are daily occurrences. Now you have a chance to turn your life into a heroic quest to discover the true nature of Being.

Of course, being in the flow is not an exclusive prerogative of Tibetan lamas and top-notch athletes. Virtually every indigenous nation on the face of the Earth has stories about the heroes, whose lives were dedicated to the exploration of the unknown, be that unknown lands or their inner realms. Those spiritual adventurers, regardless of their origins and personal histories, experienced profound transformations and astonishing feats of power that most people could only dream about. In our Qi Dao tribe, we call this way of being “dream being,” which means, among other things, experiencing life as though being in a dream. Dream Being is not only a verb, but also a noun representing the source of all your dreams: day-dreams as well as night-dreams. It is the mystical source of the big dream called life that in many Oriental schools of thought is referred to as the Dao (or Tao, if you will).

What is this mystical Dao? It is unseen, but it is everywhere. You may want to know it, but it cannot be intellectually understood. You may strive to find it, even though it has always been within you. “To become one with the Dao” has been the ultimate purpose of meditation retreats, pilgrimages and other spiritual adventures for millennia. Anyone who experiences oneness with the Dao can effortlessly navigate through life, being continuously in the flow, free of attachments, conflicts, or suffering. Nobody can harm or kill such a person, because anyone who would dare to go against him or her would also go against the power of the entire universe. Such an awakened being can fully enjoy the great power and freedom coming from realizing that the daily life and Dream Being are inseparable.

This awareness, however, has hardly anything to do with intellectual cognition or understanding. The more you try to comprehend this by logically thinking about it, the more you employ your linear mind, which will keep you stuck in the head. Trying not to think about it usually does not help either, because, if you try to stop thinking, you must, at least, have thoughts about not thinking. The practice of Qi Dao offers an alternative way to experience a practice of self-realization tailored for spiritual adventurers that is both extremely effective and easy to implement.

About the author

Lama Somananda Tantrapa is the holder of the lineage of Qi Dao that has been fostered in his clan for 27 generations since 1224 AD. He has over 30 years of experience in Qi Dao and other internal martial arts. After pioneering Qi Dao Coaching in 2000, he has provided wellness, peak performance and life coaching to hundreds of clients from all walks of life. His coaching has inspired many professional athletes, speakers, dancers, singers, writers and actors to open up to the infinite source of power that exists within everyone.

Lama Tantrapa authored a bestselling book and DVD entitled “Qi Dao – Tibetan Shamanic Qigong.” Being an avid speaker and presenter, he appeared on many radio and TV programs in the US, Guam and abroad. He currently serves on the NQA Board of Directors. For more information about Qi Dao Coaching, workshops, retreats, and long-distance learning opportunities, visit